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Where I am: Member Photos

This forum is for sharing with others pics of your home town, your office, or just where you are now. Have you ever wondered what a view from an office in Sydney looks like? Or downtown Saint Petersburg? Or what a typical developer's den in in steamy Thailand looks like?

This forum must remain safe for work viewing. Any abuse such as ads, offensive pics, or anything off-topic will be deleted along with the member's account.

GeneralRe: Nor'Easter - Snow Storm 12/2020 - North of Albany, NY Pin
Nelek17-Dec-20 9:17
protectorNelek17-Dec-20 9:17 
GeneralRe: Nor'Easter - Snow Storm 12/2020 - North of Albany, NY Pin
jeron117-Dec-20 9:30
jeron117-Dec-20 9:30 
GeneralWhat the Cat Brought In Pin
Rick York21-Nov-20 18:35
mveRick York21-Nov-20 18:35 
GeneralRe: What the Cat Brought In Pin
Randor 21-Nov-20 19:35
professional Randor 21-Nov-20 19:35 
GeneralRe: What the Cat Brought In Pin
Rick York21-Nov-20 20:45
mveRick York21-Nov-20 20:45 
GeneralRe: What the Cat Brought In Pin
Amarnath S3-Dec-20 4:20
professionalAmarnath S3-Dec-20 4:20 
GeneralRe: What the Cat Brought In Pin
Rick York3-Dec-20 5:24
mveRick York3-Dec-20 5:24 
GeneralRe: What the Cat Brought In Pin
Dr.Walt Fair, PE2-Mar-21 8:50
professionalDr.Walt Fair, PE2-Mar-21 8:50 
GeneralRe: What the Cat Brought In Pin
S Douglas26-Mar-22 17:12
professionalS Douglas26-Mar-22 17:12 
GeneralRe: What the Cat Brought In Pin
RedDk23-Nov-20 7:39
RedDk23-Nov-20 7:39 
GeneralRe: What the Cat Brought In Pin
Dr.Walt Fair, PE2-Mar-21 8:43
professionalDr.Walt Fair, PE2-Mar-21 8:43 
GeneralRe: What the Cat Brought In Pin
Richard Andrew x6413-Apr-21 9:10
professionalRichard Andrew x6413-Apr-21 9:10 
GeneralRe: What the Cat Brought In Pin
Eddy Vluggen13-Apr-21 12:52
professionalEddy Vluggen13-Apr-21 12:52 
GeneralRe: What the Cat Brought In Pin
pkfox9-Jul-23 21:14
professionalpkfox9-Jul-23 21:14 
GeneralRe: What the Cat Brought In Pin
Rick York10-Jul-23 4:37
mveRick York10-Jul-23 4:37 
GeneralTeryx adventure snapshot PinPopular
Kris Lantz26-Oct-20 3:20
professionalKris Lantz26-Oct-20 3:20 
GeneralRe: Teryx adventure snapshot Pin
Richard MacCutchan26-Oct-20 3:56
mveRichard MacCutchan26-Oct-20 3:56 
GeneralRe: Teryx adventure snapshot Pin
Nelek24-Mar-21 21:22
protectorNelek24-Mar-21 21:22 
GeneralRe: Teryx adventure snapshot Pin
CatweazleMagic7-Dec-22 4:02
CatweazleMagic7-Dec-22 4:02 
PraiseIn my Curfew Pin
evry1falls7-May-20 10:38
evry1falls7-May-20 10:38 
JokeRe: In my Curfew Pin
jeron17-May-20 10:50
jeron17-May-20 10:50 
GeneralRe: In my Curfew Pin
evry1falls7-May-20 19:02
evry1falls7-May-20 19:02 
GeneralRe: In my Curfew Pin
jeron18-May-20 6:57
jeron18-May-20 6:57 
GeneralRe: In my Curfew Pin
evry1falls8-May-20 9:50
evry1falls8-May-20 9:50 
GeneralRe: In my Curfew Pin
Superfine Construction6-Aug-20 19:51
Superfine Construction6-Aug-20 19:51 

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