by Arthur V. Ratz
In this article we'll demonstrate the implementation of k-means clustering algorithm to produce recommendations.
by Igor Ladnik
Automatic generation of optimal control policies for the basic quadcopter flight modes
by Eric Ouellet, Sani Huttunen
Fast implementations of permutation algorithms
by Mircea Neacsu
Various algorithms for 2D interpolation
by Henrik Vestermark
How to add Xoshiro and ChaCha PRNG's as compatible class in C++
by Pavel Bashkardin
Management of cryptographic activation keys to protect your application
by FormerBIOSGuy
This article describes a set of batch, AWK, and PostScript files that together allow you to create personalized, 12-page PDF calendars for some year.
by rtybase
In this article, I am presenting a sorting schema, hugely inspired by the Bucket and Proxmap sorting algorithms.