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by Omar Al Zabir
Protect ASP.NET and WCF from various brute force and Denial of Service attacks and speed up response time using nginx.
by Oscar-Tark
If you are looking into white hat hacking, it's good to know old school tactics used for overflows.
by Oscar-Tark
In this article, we will be looking at a more advanced version of a buffer overflow attack.
by anshulskywalker
Understanding of Example Based Machine Translation (EBMT) system and how to create your own using exisiting tools

Latest Articles

by Paul Aurelian Gagniuc
This article shows how to mix two signals into a third, in variable proportions.
by Oscar-Tark
In this article, we will be looking at a more advanced version of a buffer overflow attack.
by Oscar-Tark
A basic formatted string exploit shows you how small errors in programming with the printf function can be a lethal weapon for hackers looking to compromise a system.
by Shameel
Part 2 of this multi-part article series compares SQL Server and PostgreSQL article, database structure, language differences, data type mappings, functions and operators and other important considerations for migration..

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28 Jul 2016 by Omar Al Zabir
Protect ASP.NET and WCF from various brute force and Denial of Service attacks and speed up response time using nginx.
30 Aug 2019 by Oscar-Tark
If you are looking into white hat hacking, it's good to know old school tactics used for overflows.
27 May 2021 by Oscar-Tark
In this article, we will be looking at a more advanced version of a buffer overflow attack.
10 Aug 2010 by anshulskywalker
Understanding of Example Based Machine Translation (EBMT) system and how to create your own using exisiting tools
20 Mar 2022 by Paul Aurelian Gagniuc
This article shows how to mix two signals into a third, in variable proportions.
28 Aug 2001 by Uwe Keim
Tiny little Perl library to retrieve an arbitrary URL as a string
29 Feb 2020 by Oscar-Tark
A basic formatted string exploit shows you how small errors in programming with the printf function can be a lethal weapon for hackers looking to compromise a system.
4 Mar 2015 by rjdudley
1&1 has become one of the most successful and popular hosting companies in the world by offering simple, inexpensive ($0.99/month for three months, then $8.99/month thereafter) and feature-rich hosting plans.
6 Feb 2016 by John Jiyang Hou
An algorithm to determine if a point is inside a 3D convex polygon for a given polygon vertices in Perl
6 Sep 2000 by Milan Gardian
Notes on updating your WTL installation
16 Sep 2009 by cyber_flash
Check if a server handles the Idle Connection Limit properly
22 Dec 2011 by Kevin Schaefer
Quickly summarize the secure log file on Linux systems to easily see who is trying to ssh to the server
26 Aug 2013 by Rion Williams
This post is going to cover a new library called RegExpBuilder which aims to transform very nasty looking regular expressions into easily readable formats that can easily be built and understood.
16 Mar 2011 by Paul Lessard, M.Sc.
We propose a way to secure C# programs by emulating Taint checking
3 Sep 2008 by Scott Dorman
The accepted social etiquette for posting in the CodeProject discussion forums.
5 Nov 2000 by Uwe Keim
Simple Perl Script that uses a local MS-Access database to store modification dates of files and uploads modified files to an FTP-Server
12 Jul 2012 by Carlos Luis Rojas Aragonés
A simple REST service with Perl and the Dancer framework.
14 Mar 2008 by Helbrax
Using Perl's object oriented interface to extend existing types
12 Nov 2002 by Khürt Williams
The basics of Object Oriented Programming in Perl
14 Nov 2004 by Kevin Staunton-Lambert
A general overview of Internet technologies including what the Internet actually is, what HTML and XML are, using Web forms, CGI/MIME, IIS ISAPI, ASP and creating HTML based front ends to databases via ODBC32, OLE DB, ADO and ASP.NET
13 Jan 2005 by kenearle
Tools to use HTML instead of plain text for supporting documents in Visual Studio.
25 Sep 2006 by fstrahberger
How to execute a Perl script from VBA.
16 Jul 2007 by daluu
Covers how to automate web activity that involves Java applets or Flash content making HTTP requests as well as standard web automation
1 Feb 2008 by Bharat Mallapur, sriraj
How to make your C# component callback a Perl subroutine
1 May 2009 by csrss
This article is about creating a ready to run chat system in Perl scripting language.
15 Sep 2004 by RedSunBeer
Some thoughts on estimating before having a design in place.
13 Apr 2009 by adminmyserver
Ruby on Rails application for the world's fastest server data.
12 Nov 2016 by Zebedee Mason
Perform dependency analysis by using Doxygen to parse source code and produce a report
3 Aug 2004 by aa2max
Receive email notification if your website is down or slow
7 Jul 2010 by logicchild
Programing Perl Basics - How It Works
31 Aug 2002 by lexxwern
This article explains how to perform operations on your database through Perl using the DBI module.
3 Nov 2004 by PixiGreg
A comprehensive Perl embedding solution.
16 Jan 2012 by Gabor Szabo (szabgab)
Count how many hits were generated from each IP address and show the top 10 sources.
2 Feb 2007 by alex turner
How to read an XML data source from file or AJAX and then represent it in Internet Explorer as a GUI
30 Dec 2007 by daluu
A beginner's guide on how to send emails (via SMTP) and SMS text messages when you don't have adequate access to the necessary resources
12 Apr 2006 by Michael Vasquez
This article includes a simple address book application in Perl.
2 Sep 2001 by John Simmon / outlaw programmer
The Code Project discussion board in Perl. This is an open source project for the Code Project community.
31 Oct 2005 by fstrahberger
nls_lang when using multiple Oracle homes
13 Jun 2003 by John Aldrich
This article will detail a relatively simple method for generating a random alphanumeric string for using in the implementation of various cryptographic / security schema with PERL.
4 Feb 2004 by PrashanthLA
Simple front end using Perl/Tk
10 Jan 2012 by Gabor Szabo (szabgab)
How to report the number of hits from localhost and elsewhere based on the Apache log file.
25 Apr 2002 by Nicolas Gazelle
This is my attempt to create a simple toolbar class that allows to set a bitmap in the background of a toolbar.
22 Apr 2008 by Sandeep_Vaniya
This script displays tree view of the directory on linux terminal.
24 Mar 2004 by Jon Sagara
This article shows how to create a guestbook script using Perl. Data is stored in a MySQL table rather than in a flat file. DBI is used to connect to the database.
14 Jul 2007 by daluu
Framework for porting code between different languauges and platforms through a standard XML schema.
7 Oct 2004 by Toby Jacob Rhodes