In this post, we look at the creation of a dynamic tree menu with Jekyll. Specifically we're looking at printing all links from a menu file to create a categorized archive.
In this article, I'll show you how to create interceptors to implement AOP techniques. I'll use ASP.NET Boilerplate (ABP) as base application framework and Castle Windsor for the interception library.
Now with auto-numbering! New Visual Studio Code extension “Extensible Markdown Converter” augments built-in Markdown extension to form all in one toolchain offering convenient editor, rendered document viewer, spell checker and converter to HTML, per CodeProject article submission requirements
Hashcash is a proof-of-work system used to limit email spam and denial-of-service attacks, and more recently has become known for its use in bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies) as part of the mining algorithm.
A generic Web User Interface for CRUD applications generating all screens at run-time based on external metadata. It comes with sample applications for address book, memo pad, to do list, restaurants list, wine cellar, and database structure documentation that are easily customizable.
A complete sample application using AngularJS, trNgGrid, ngTable, and ASP.NET Web API to access and display data with server-side data filtering, sorting, and paging.
This article will walk you through on building a data-driven web app from scratch within the context of ASP.NET Core 1.0 using Angular 2 and Web API 2.
Part 1: Master the ASP.NET MVC Project Template & Technologies (Razor, jQuery, JavaScript, Bootstrap, CSS). Part 2: Build an ASP.NET MVC app which runs in the browser but feels like using a desktop app.
Convert a generic list to an Excel byte array using Open XML SDK and dynamically create an Excel file for data distributions from an ASP.NET MVC website
In this article I will demonstrate two things: First a very basic and simple code snippet to show how we can use task factory to make our web applications more responsive, the next part will be on how to use the SignalR to broadcast messages from the Web Server to all the clients connected.
This article shows how we can implement WebBinding for the AngularJS library and, use it for binding AngularJS client side objects to ASP.NET server side objects.
In this article, let’s see how to create our first ASP.NET Core Angular 2 Starter Application (.NET Core) using Template pack using Entity Framework 1.0.1 and Web API to display data from the database to our Angular2 and ASP.NET Core web application.
Create a simple data grid that provides list, add, edit and delete and uses a simple 'parent/child' template to provide view, edit or add functionality
This article describes how to use a Teensy 3.1 board from to simulate keyboard, mouse and touch screen USB HID devices at the same time. This allows to remote-control a computer through one USB cable.
How to stop believing in "Never change a running system" and going live as often as possible - Branch by Abstraction, Feature Branches and Feature Toggles with FeatureBee
Learn how to build a front-end web application with minimal effort in seven steps, using the AngularJS framework and the cloud storage service
This article will find out a solution to serialize/deserialize object by reference at server and client, also will serialize/deserialize objects having circular references.
In this article, we will demonstrate how to create and deploy Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) cells and train it to predict future simple moving average (SMA).
As more and more users interact with web applications on their mobile devices, it is becoming increasingly important for software developers to allow them to work offline; PouchDB can help.