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Chris Maunder16-Jul-09 3:09
cofounderChris Maunder16-Jul-09 3:09 
PinnedHow to get an answer to your question PinPopular
Chris Maunder16-Jul-09 3:05
cofounderChris Maunder16-Jul-09 3:05 
QuestionAI Pin
Ted Snyders18-Nov-23 9:52
Ted Snyders18-Nov-23 9:52 
AnswerRe: AI Pin
RedDk18-Nov-23 14:44
RedDk18-Nov-23 14:44 
QuestionHelp with STL list::insert Pin
ForNow21-Sep-22 1:54
ForNow21-Sep-22 1:54 
AnswerRe: Help with STL list::insert Pin
Graham Breach21-Sep-22 21:40
Graham Breach21-Sep-22 21:40 
GeneralRe: Help with STL list::insert Pin
ForNow22-Sep-22 1:35
ForNow22-Sep-22 1:35 
GeneralRe: Help with STL list::insert Pin
Graham Breach22-Sep-22 3:40
Graham Breach22-Sep-22 3:40 
GeneralRe: Help with STL list::insert Pin
ForNow22-Sep-22 4:31
ForNow22-Sep-22 4:31 
GeneralRe: Help with STL list::insert Pin
Graham Breach22-Sep-22 4:59
Graham Breach22-Sep-22 4:59 
GeneralRe: Help with STL list::insert Pin
ForNow22-Sep-22 5:11
ForNow22-Sep-22 5:11 
AnswerRe: Help with STL list::insert Pin
Richard MacCutchan22-Sep-22 4:51
mveRichard MacCutchan22-Sep-22 4:51 
It appears from my test that using a saved iterator will yield inconsistent results. I have a list with a single element. After adding an item before the saved iterator it still points to the first element; i.e. not the newly inserted value. If I then increment the iterator it points to an invalid address. This is reasonable as the begin and end iterators are dynamically adjusted as the list increases or decreases. So the moment you add or remove an item, your saved iterator can no longer be relied upon. The take home message is - don't do it this way, use the proper member functions of the std::list.
GeneralRe: Help with STL list::insert Pin
ForNow22-Sep-22 9:30
ForNow22-Sep-22 9:30 
GeneralRe: Help with STL list::insert Pin
Richard MacCutchan22-Sep-22 22:28
mveRichard MacCutchan22-Sep-22 22:28 
GeneralRe: Help with STL list::insert Pin
ForNow23-Sep-22 1:45
ForNow23-Sep-22 1:45 
GeneralRe: Help with STL list::insert Pin
Richard MacCutchan23-Sep-22 1:55
mveRichard MacCutchan23-Sep-22 1:55 
GeneralRe: Help with STL list::insert Pin
ForNow23-Sep-22 2:20
ForNow23-Sep-22 2:20 
GeneralRe: Help with STL list::insert Pin
Richard MacCutchan23-Sep-22 3:16
mveRichard MacCutchan23-Sep-22 3:16 
GeneralRe: Help with STL list::insert Pin
ForNow23-Sep-22 4:11
ForNow23-Sep-22 4:11 
GeneralRe: Help with STL list::insert Pin
Richard MacCutchan23-Sep-22 4:38
mveRichard MacCutchan23-Sep-22 4:38 
GeneralRe: Help with STL list::insert Pin
ForNow23-Sep-22 4:48
ForNow23-Sep-22 4:48 
QuestionMessage Closed Pin
19-Jul-22 5:14
Member 1496877119-Jul-22 5:14 
AnswerRe: error: cannot call member function ‘bool QRegExp::exactMatch(const QString&) const’ without object Pin
jsc4219-Jul-22 6:35
professionaljsc4219-Jul-22 6:35 
Question/std:c++20 broke a template class Pin
Member 1567106212-Jun-22 10:07
Member 1567106212-Jun-22 10:07 
AnswerRe: /std:c++20 broke a template class Pin
longjmp24-Nov-22 2:59
longjmp24-Nov-22 2:59 

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