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Comments by Marc Clifton (Top 22 by date)
Marc Clifton
29-Nov-21 8:48am
I posted a proper working example.
Marc Clifton
29-Nov-21 8:48am
My example was quite fubar'd, though the concept was ok. I posted a full working example.
Marc Clifton
29-Nov-21 8:22am
Agreed - there is much wrong with the original code example that I didn't bother to address. And my example was wrong. I posted a correct full example.
Marc Clifton
15-Nov-19 9:13am
What are you using for the REST client? Did you verify you're setting POST or GET correctly (I would assume POST). Are you serializing the REST body and passing in to the REST client? As there are both parameters on the URL as well as what body, you have to do both. Where's the C# code? "What I have tried" should show your C# code, not the JSON data.
Marc Clifton
17-Jan-19 8:27am
Yes, I've been adding the urn. No affect.
Marc Clifton
2-Apr-16 16:27pm
He means "registry", not "register"
Marc Clifton
24-Oct-15 19:19pm
What I would suggest is step through the program with the debugger - watch what Klienci is as you walk through each line of code, and see why it doesn't initialize. Also, creating an array with potentially 0 items is probably not a good ideas. If you need manage this stuff in an array-like manner, I'd suggest something like List<klient> klienci =new List<klient>(); and then you can do klienci.Add(...whatever...)
Which reminds me, after you do: klienci = new Klient[...some number], all that does is initialize the array. You still have to initialize each element of the array:
klienci[i] = new Klient();
Now you can assign the properties of the instance at [i]:
klienci[i].id = ...whatever...
So it's always a three step process, even with List<>:
1. instantiate the list or array
2. for each item, instantiate the class
3. for each instantiated class, initialize the properties.
Normally, step 3 is folded into the step 2 as part of the constructor parameters or as property initializers, like new Klient() {Id = 5};
Marc Clifton
23-Jan-15 8:51am
Those links were exactly what I was looking for. The reason I'm interested in this is mostly academic--I want to know how it's done rather than necessarily needing to do it. Thanks very much for finding those links, my google fu was not working very well, I suspect because I wasn't using keywords like "handlers" and "modules".
Marc Clifton
24-Dec-14 14:04pm
Reason for my vote of 5 \n Got FTP working with your instruction -- thank you for posting this!
Marc Clifton
10-Nov-14 8:53am
That's what I figured -- I must have mangled something when I was looking at some examples of how to do fancy buttons with Bootstrap and then incorrectly folded it into the existing Razor code the VS produces as a startup template.
Marc Clifton
9-Nov-14 12:15pm
That's what I ended up doing -- passing in the collection in the .cshtml file. Why I have to that there and not in with the grid.Columns method is beyond me. Personally, I'm finding Razor to be quite klunky. Ironically, it's making the same "klunk" sound that Ruby on Rails makes. Gee, I wonder why.
Marc Clifton
27-Apr-14 21:30pm
Reason for my vote of 1 \n This is terrible code. Incomprehensible variable names like "ttt", "max295", "ax". Business logic is coded into event handler, etc.etc.etc.
I cannot possibly vote anything but a 1 for this.
Marc Clifton
18-Feb-14 9:39am
await and async are keywords, not API (at least, in my definition of the concepts) that set up continuation passing when the task is complete. Yes, you can use them with Task<>, but one of the neat things about await is that it marshals onto the context of the caller, which for my purposes is the UI thread, so no more BeginInvoke calls! Also, according the MSDN docs for asynchronous file I/O, they suggest using the new Async functions in conjunction with await/async.
Marc Clifton
2-May-13 14:17pm
I'm aware of that, but as the first link states, If this is a HTML document, you will need to parse it. and what surprises me is that I can't find any code samples for doing that. And yes, I'm aware that this is WebBrowser control independent, all I need is the HTML, which the control gives me access to.
Marc Clifton
2-May-13 14:17pm
I have no idea how to respond to the original post. This is NOT an intuitive interface, Code Project!!!
Marc Clifton
2-May-13 14:14pm
Oh, I see what you mean. I'm not used to this forum format!
Marc Clifton
2-May-13 14:13pm
Ah, I didn't notice the option. Not sure how to change it now.
Marc Clifton
29-Feb-12 7:39am
Well, like you said, I'm what you'd call a .NET expert, hahahaha! :-D
Marc Clifton
29-Feb-12 7:22am
No, you're totally missing the point. I need to PARSE the type's FullName, a very crude example:
public string ConvertToTypeAsString(string t)
string ret = t;
if (t.Contains("`"))
// System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[[System.Data.DataRow, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]
t = t.RightOf('.').RightOf('.').RightOf('.');
// IEnumerable`1[[System.Data.DataRow, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]
ret = t.LeftOf('`') + "<";
// IEnumerable<
t = t.RightOfRightmost('[').LeftOf(',').RightOfRightmost('.');
// System.Data.DataRow, System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]
// System.Data.DataRow
// DataRow
ret += t + ">";
// IEnumerable<datarow>
return ret;
Marc Clifton
29-Feb-12 7:20am
SAKryukov is trolling - I posted that question 3 years ago, then I posted a question yesterday, and now it seems like he's taken it upon himself to find other questions I've asked. I suppose I should take the high road and assume he's trying to be helpful.
Marc Clifton
28-Feb-12 21:44pm
I know what you're getting at, but I need to actual type for a dynamic, runtime piece of code which, among other things, replaces a token with the generic type used to construct the code generator. So, if, for example, I instantiate the code generator like this:
new Foo<SomeType>()
Then, part of the code generation process replaces the token
/SourceType/ source;
SomeType source;
By the way, the code generator in question is LinqTextQueryRuntime, a CodePlex project. Yes, there's better ways, with expression trees, but I'm just dabbling with different options for dynamic runtime LINQ.
Marc Clifton
14-Oct-11 10:24am
Reason for my vote of 2
These seem like generic mistakes any newbie makes. I was expecting something more specific to the use of the language itself.
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