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Internet of Things


Great Reads

by honey the codewitch
GFX is a fast and full featured replacement for standard IoT drawing libraries that is optimized to reduce bus I/O
by DaveAuld
Building for and consuming the Blitzortung Lightning Detection Network
by raddevus
Steps for building a device you can add to your existing garage door, which implements an atmega328, bluetooth (hc-05) and relay module which will allow you to open your garage door from any paired Android device.
by honey the codewitch
Control 3 or 4 pin PWM fans using this library

Latest Articles

by honey the codewitch
Using my IoT ecosystem to produce an Internet enabled clock
by honey the codewitch
Stream JSON efficiently on little devices with minimal flash and memory usage
by honey the codewitch
Display automated (optionally controllable) Tetris on an LCD or Neopixel panel
by honey the codewitch
Got an embedded or IoT widget with a screen but no real memory or flash space to speak of? Read this.

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Internet of Things 

18 Apr 2016 by Mircea Diaconescu, Gerd Wagner
Learn how to develop Arduino-based apps for the Web of Things (WoT). This second part of a series of tutorials shows how to read analog and digital sensors with the help of Arduino.
25 Sep 2019 by Shameel
.NET Core 3.0, with a significant number of changes and improvements, was released on 23rd September 2019. The most important changes are discussed in this article. The post New Features and Enhancements in .NET Core 3.0 appeared first on The Developer Space.
13 Feb 2019 by Philipp_Engelmann
With IoT (Internet of Things) on the rise and hardware getting cheaper and cheaper, it's a great time to explore the possibilities this new technology provides.
22 Apr 2016 by Mircea Diaconescu, Gerd Wagner
Learn how to develop Arduino-based apps for the Web of Things (WoT). This first part of a series of tutorials shows the basics of an Arduino program (known as a "sketch") and provides a quick introduction to some electronic components, including resistors, RGB LEDs and LEDs in general.
30 Dec 2015 by Gerd Wagner
Architectures for the Web of Things