Message Closed
modified 23-Aug-20 1:14am.
The process of building an IOS app starts with these steps:
Step 1: Download Xcode- This tool helps you to work on building the iOS app with a user interface and writing codes.
Step 2: Learn Swift as it is the coding language for building your app.
Step 3: Access online resources for making the app better.
Step 4: Enroll in coding Bootcamp as from there you will get a lot of help and new ideas too.
Now for while making your app I guess hybrid is better than native and web view is more flexible.
Hi all,
I am looking for a solution to hire a team to write an app will load data from sql server to a form and digital signature.
Could you suggest me a solution ?
It take me a lot of pressure to do this task
modified 13-Jan-20 10:09am.
What does the URL you referenced have to do with "load data from sql server to a form and digital signature?"
"One man's wage rise is another man's price increase." - Harold Wilson
"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons
"You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him." - James D. Miles
I would guess OP is a spammer.
I intend to hire a freelancer to build this app on IOS.
It will run locally on my wifi network which has access to sql server to show all relevant data to the form for client read and sign in.
Could you suggest me a solution ?
Webview or native app are ok too.
This is the wrong place to hire freelancers.
Especially hiring freelancers for free
The account has been reported as spammer (link in original post).
"Five fruits and vegetables a day? What a joke!
Personally, after the third watermelon, I'm full."
phil.o wrote: freelancers for free
Well, shouldn't they be free?
Social Media - A platform that makes it easier for the crazies to find each other.
Everyone is born right handed. Only the strongest overcome it.
Fight for left-handed rights and hand equality.
ZurdoDev wrote: Well, shouldn't they be free? It depends on which meaning of free is taken into account.
"Five fruits and vegetables a day? What a joke!
Personally, after the third watermelon, I'm full."
There are many apps available from which you can easily upload the document,
select yourself as the signer, and create your own signature. You can simply find these apps online and make it work
I am developing ios app, in that need to create folder on ios device, i am using following code to create folder named "FT2019" ,is it my code is correct ? if correct then how see that folder on ios device physically.
if (device.platform.toLowerCase() == "android") {
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(cordova.file.externalRootDirectory, onFileSystemSuccess, onError);
} else {
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, onFileSystemSuccess, onError);
function onFileSystemSuccess(fileSystem) {
var entry = "";
if (device.platform.toLowerCase() == "android") {
entry = fileSystem;
} else {
entry = fileSystem.root;
entry.getDirectory("FT2019", {
create: true,
exclusive: false
}, onGetDirectorySuccess, onGetDirectoryFail);
function onError(e) {
alert("Fail to get folder");
function onGetDirectorySuccess(dir) {
dummyFilePath = dir.toURL();
function onGetDirectoryFail(dir) {
alert("Fail to get folder");
I am getting an error message for my use of nil and I am confused on how to properly unwrap the optional while placing it in an if statement to print out a string.
struct DatingProfile{
var Name: String
var Age: Int
var City: String
var FavoriteMovie: String?
var Hobbies: String?
let myDatingProfile = DatingProfile(Name: "William", Age: 30, City: "North Hollywood", FavoriteMovie: nil , Hobbies: "Basketball")
if let myFavoriteMovie = FavoriteMovie = nil{
print("\(Name) does not have a favorite movie")
}else {
exit status 1
main.swift:12:26: error: use of unresolved identifier 'FavoriteMovie'
if let myFavoriteMovie = FavoriteMovie = nil{
main.swift:13:12: error: use of unresolved identifier 'Name'
print("\(Name) does not have a favorite movie")
main.swift:17:11: warning: expression implicitly coerced from 'String?' to 'Any'
main.swift:17:27: note: provide a default value to avoid this warning
?? <#default value#>
main.swift:17:27: note: force-unwrap the value to avoid this warning
main.swift:17:27: note: explicitly cast to 'Any' with 'as Any' to silence this warning
as Any
main.swift:20:1: error: extraneous '}' at top level
I don't know Swift, but my guess would be something like:
if let myFavoriteMovie = myDatingProfile.FavoriteMovie {
else {
print("\(myDatingProfile.Name) does not have a favorite movie")
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
I got a free iPad from my college, and I need to remove any possibility of them locking it down. How do I do this? Also what factors do they need to remotely lock it down using the mdm profile? Do I need to be a certain distance from them? Do I need to be in the same country? Bcuz I’m currently over seas during summer vacation, so am I safe right now? The iPad is working as of right now. Oh and please don’t bother with convincing me not to do this, I know the risks involved and I’m still gonna do it, I’ve already made arrangements to transfer to another university , and I’m not paying to keep the iPad, I got the iPad 9months ago and I’ve grown attached to it, yet I can’t afford to pay for it, hence why I must remove the MDM profile, can someone tell me how? Or if there’s an easier way to prevent them from locking my iPad down remotely without removing the MDM profile and without me buying the iPad from them, then I’m all ears. Please help. Thanks.
So you think we are going to help you do something illegal? Don't hold your breath.
I am a long time Android user who started learning iOS development a while back and switched to learning Android. Wondering if I made the wrong decision. There is far more content available for iOS than Android, but as an Android user I'm struggling on a decision. I'm not really in a position to buy a new phone.
What made you pick iOS over Android?
iPhone is the high-quality product I use for 3 years not found any issue about anything and smoothly combine with Apple ecosystem
Android is a fragmented operating system most phones that have it installed aren't running the latest version, which can make development harder. On the other hand, iOS is consistent across all Apple devices, and easy to update when a new version comes out. iOS is a more secure operating system.
Most Android phones do better than the iPhone released in the same period in hardware performance, but them hence can consume more power and need to charge once a day basically. Android's openness leads to increased risk.
I create a mobile shooting video game, I would like to create a line between each planet (8 planets in total) to form a path but I do not understand why my line does not appear. Here is my code: I want to say that I start in Swift and Spritekit.
Here is my code
var line = SKShapeNode()
let path = CGMutablePath()
path.addLines(between: [CGPoint(x: size.width * 0.3 , y: size.height * 0.9), CGPoint(x: self.size.width/2, y: self.size.height/1.22)])
line.path = bezierPath.cgPath
line.strokeColor = SKColor.red
line.lineWidth = 2
I have a Xamarin.Forms app that I am building using Azure DevOps. I am using Visual Studio 2017 15.8.1. The build step for the project completes without any errors, but the Publish step fails to copy the IPA file as one hasn't been created.
The build log shows the following MSBUILD generated statement that the build invoked.
msbuild IFMDriverServices.iOS.csproj /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=iPhoneSimulator /p:BuildIpa=true /p:Codesignkey=identity /p:CodesignProvision=123456 I have tasks that successfully install the Apple certificate and mobile provisioning that run before the build task.
What am I missing? How do I create the IPA file?
"There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult." - C.A.R. Hoare
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NSURLRequest *request = [BNGAccount loginWithUserName:username password:password product:product redirectUrl:[scheme stringByAppendingString:@"://ios.betfair.com/login"] completionBlock:^(NSString *ssoKey, NSError *connectionError, BNGAPIError *apiError) {
if (!connectionError && !apiError && ssoKey.length) {
[APING sharedInstance].ssoKey = ssoKey;
[self getAccountFunds];
} else {
[self logError:@"There was an error while logging in %@ %@" connectionError:connectionError apiError:apiError];