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NewsC++ must become safer Pin
Kent Sharkey17-Jul-24 6:46
staffKent Sharkey17-Jul-24 6:46 
GeneralRe: C++ must become safer Pin
Nelek17-Jul-24 10:52
protectorNelek17-Jul-24 10:52 
GeneralRe: C++ must become safer Pin
obermd18-Jul-24 3:55
obermd18-Jul-24 3:55 
GeneralRe: C++ must become safer Pin
trønderen18-Jul-24 15:25
trønderen18-Jul-24 15:25 
NewsCloudflare reports almost 7% of internet traffic is malicious Pin
Kent Sharkey17-Jul-24 6:46
staffKent Sharkey17-Jul-24 6:46 
NewsApple, Anthropic, and other companies used YouTube videos to train AI Pin
Kent Sharkey17-Jul-24 6:46
staffKent Sharkey17-Jul-24 6:46 
GeneralRe: Apple, Anthropic, and other companies used YouTube videos to train AI Pin
Nelek17-Jul-24 10:52
protectorNelek17-Jul-24 10:52 
NewsJames Webb’s newest image shows a giant penguin and an egg Pin
Kent Sharkey16-Jul-24 8:46
staffKent Sharkey16-Jul-24 8:46 
GeneralRe: James Webb’s newest image shows a giant penguin and an egg Pin
jochance16-Jul-24 10:01
jochance16-Jul-24 10:01 
GeneralRe: James Webb’s newest image shows a giant penguin and an egg Pin
Kent Sharkey16-Jul-24 10:07
staffKent Sharkey16-Jul-24 10:07 
GeneralRe: James Webb’s newest image shows a giant penguin and an egg Pin
David O'Neil16-Jul-24 13:06
professionalDavid O'Neil16-Jul-24 13:06 
GeneralRe: James Webb’s newest image shows a giant penguin and an egg Pin
Nelek16-Jul-24 11:04
protectorNelek16-Jul-24 11:04 
GeneralRe: James Webb’s newest image shows a giant penguin and an egg Pin
jeron116-Jul-24 12:02
jeron116-Jul-24 12:02 
GeneralRe: James Webb’s newest image shows a giant penguin and an egg Pin
David O'Neil16-Jul-24 13:09
professionalDavid O'Neil16-Jul-24 13:09 
NewsReport surfaces thousands of potential vulnerabilities in GitHub Workflows Pin
Kent Sharkey16-Jul-24 8:31
staffKent Sharkey16-Jul-24 8:31 
NewsWhy we must end human programming jobs Pin
Kent Sharkey16-Jul-24 8:31
staffKent Sharkey16-Jul-24 8:31 
GeneralRe: Why we must end human programming jobs Pin
MarkTJohnson16-Jul-24 9:05
professionalMarkTJohnson16-Jul-24 9:05 
GeneralRe: Why we must end human programming jobs Pin
Nelek16-Jul-24 11:02
protectorNelek16-Jul-24 11:02 
GeneralRe: Why we must end human programming jobs Pin
jochance16-Jul-24 10:16
jochance16-Jul-24 10:16 
GeneralRe: Why we must end human programming jobs Pin
Greg Utas16-Jul-24 12:22
professionalGreg Utas16-Jul-24 12:22 
GeneralRe: Why we must end human programming jobs Pin
David O'Neil17-Jul-24 14:54
professionalDavid O'Neil17-Jul-24 14:54 
GeneralRe: Why we must end human programming jobs Pin
obermd18-Jul-24 10:03
obermd18-Jul-24 10:03 
NewsGoogle reportedly offered EU cloud firms over $500 million to continue antitrust case against Microsoft Pin
Kent Sharkey16-Jul-24 8:16
staffKent Sharkey16-Jul-24 8:16 
GeneralRe: Google reportedly offered EU cloud firms over $500 million to continue antitrust case against Microsoft Pin
jochance16-Jul-24 10:18
jochance16-Jul-24 10:18 
GeneralRe: Google reportedly offered EU cloud firms over $500 million to continue antitrust case against Microsoft Pin
Nelek16-Jul-24 11:00
protectorNelek16-Jul-24 11:00 

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