MSBassSinger wrote: a handful of members who, for some unknown reason, think they are the judges of what the rest of us are allowed to read. You really don't get it do you? It is not a question of what others are allowed to read, but whether the article adheres to the guidelines as set down in Submission Guidelines[^]. The approval system here is quite simple and works well in general. Anyone with a high reputation (i.e. people who contribute articles, answer questions etc.) are deemed to be qualified to review newly posted articles and measure them against the guidelines. If they are not considered to adhere to them all, then there are various ways that can be communicated. Either the article would be better as a Tip or Blog, or it really does not match the criteria and should not be published. The people voting may (or may not, it's their choice) leave a message if they feel it just needs some work, or it needs action by a CodeProject editor/administrator. This is not in any way a personal attack (most of us don't know you), nor does it mean any other articles you post will be similarly rejected.
Apparently I get it better than you. Why are you over here on a different topic pursuing this? The article met what the guidelines require. It just did not meet you narrow and inaccurate interpretation.
MSBassSinger wrote: Apparently I get it better than you. Sadly, you don't. But there is no point in us saying any more as you refuse to accept what has been explained to you.
MSBassSinger wrote: To keep this post short, I very much appreciate that; however, it would be helpful to edit your post and explain briefly about these helper methods. I see the word JHelper and I think Java so I have no interest in them. It might be helpful to put a brief description of the type of helper methods.
Social Media - A platform that makes it easier for the crazies to find each other.
Everyone is born right handed. Only the strongest overcome it.
Fight for left-handed rights and hand equality.
Excellent idea. I wasn't sure how well a longer post would be received. Thanks for your input.
Hallo zusammen,
ich hoffe, dass ich hier richtig bin.
Kennt sich jemand mit SVN Bridge aus?
Oder besser noch, hat sich jemand damit auseinandergesetzt?
Seit neuestem habe ich von meiner IT einen TFS (Team Foundation Server) eingerichtet bekommen.
Über Visual Studio kann ich meine Projekte problemlos mit dem Team-Explorer Verwalten.
Nebenbei habe ich auch noch andere Projekt aus einer SPS Entwicklungsumgebung
und Projekte von einer PowerBuilder Entwicklungsumgebung.
Diese lassen sich eben nicht über Visual Studio verwalten.
Ich habe mal was über die SVN Bridge gelesen. Da soll es möglich sein Projekte auf
File-Explorer Ebene (Turtoise SVN) mit dem TFS zu verbinden.
Ich verstehe bloß nicht, was ich wo installieren soll.
Den Tourtoise SVN Client den kenne ich bereits. Den habe ich zuvor schon jahrelang in Verbindung
mit einem SVN Server verwendet.
Ist SVN Bridge eine Anwendung welche auf dem Team Foundation Server installiert werden muss?
Ist die SVN Bridge gleichzustellen mit der Funktionalität des SVN Servers.
Welche Anwendung muss ich herunterladen und wo installieren.
Bitte nur Berichte über Vorgänge die bereits in Betrieb sind und funktionieren.
Vielen Dank!
Grüße von CopWorker
Edit from CHill60 - a (very) rough translation :
Hello everybody,
i hope i am right here.
Does anyone know about SVN Bridge?
Or better yet, has anyone dealt with it?
I recently got a TFS (Team Foundation Server) from my IT.
With Visual Studio, I can easily manage my projects with Team Explorer.
I also have other projects from a PLC development environment
and projects from a PowerBuilder development environment.
These cannot be managed via Visual Studio.
I once read something about the SVN Bridge. Since it should be possible projects on
File Explorer level (Turtoise SVN) to connect to the TFS.
I just don't understand what to install where.
I already know the Tourtoise SVN Client. I have had that in touch for years
used with an SVN server.
Is SVN Bridge an application that needs to be installed on the Team Foundation Server?
Is the SVN Bridge equivalent to the functionality of the SVN server.
Which application do I have to download and where to install.
Please only reports on processes that are already in operation and working.
Many Thanks!
Greetings from CopWorker
Sie müssen hier Englisch sprechen, sonst werden Sie bestraft!
Hi CHill60,
thank you for this hint.
This shall be not the problem.
I´ll do it in future.
And thanks for the translation.
Best regards
Quote: This forum is for discussing and recommending Free tools ...
I think this qualifies as "discussing" free tools, no?
"These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined."
- Homer
I think it is pretty clearly a technical question. And also very few people come to this forum.
Hello together,
SVN Bridge is a Free Tool of codeplex.
Ok, i will take the recommended place:
Thanks for help
How do you block people on here? I'm personally tired of reading your patronizing , egotistical self deluded bull****
Thank you for your comment; I guess you have been stewing over this for the past two years. What a sad life you must have.
On the contrary, I have a great life. If you can't see how your condescending demeanor is a nuisance to others(as far as I know, we've never spoken. I only read comments typically), then I don't have the time nor the crayons to draw your remedial a** a picture.
modified 4-Jun-22 13:30pm.
Good luck in all your endeavours.
Yes Sir! Going forward I'm going to start calling you on your bs. Believe!!
VERY handy, free, full featured ...
It would be even better if we could find it!
Software rusts. Simon Stephenson, ca 1994. So does this signature. me, 2012
Message Removed
-- modified 2-Mar-20 16:22pm.
My problem: I would like to intercept/log mouse events in an application which I don't have the source for.
I've read about writing a Mouse Hook and there is SetWindowsHookEx(), but I'm clueless at the moment how I can inject such into an existing application?
Is there a tool that can achieve this?
Or do I have to write it myself?
Krischu wrote: Is there a tool that can achieve this? If there is then Google is the place to find it.
Krischu wrote: do I have to write it myself?
If there isn't an existing tool then yes.