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Design and Architecture

QuestionException or Return Value? Pin
Richard Andrew x6423-Jun-24 10:31
professionalRichard Andrew x6423-Jun-24 10:31 
AnswerRe: Exception or Return Value? Pin
Greg Utas23-Jun-24 15:30
professionalGreg Utas23-Jun-24 15:30 
AnswerRe: Exception or Return Value? Pin
Mircea Neacsu23-Jun-24 15:34
Mircea Neacsu23-Jun-24 15:34 
GeneralRe: Exception or Return Value? Pin
trønderen24-Jun-24 3:45
trønderen24-Jun-24 3:45 
GeneralRe: Exception or Return Value? Pin
Mircea Neacsu24-Jun-24 6:15
Mircea Neacsu24-Jun-24 6:15 
AnswerRe: Exception or Return Value? Pin
Richard Deeming23-Jun-24 21:36
mveRichard Deeming23-Jun-24 21:36 
Questionhow should I plan my learning trajectory? Pin
Prudence Clearwater22-Jun-24 9:34
Prudence Clearwater22-Jun-24 9:34 
AnswerRe: how should I plan my learning trajectory? Pin
Richard MacCutchan24-Jun-24 6:14
mveRichard MacCutchan24-Jun-24 6:14 
GeneralRe: how should I plan my learning trajectory? Pin
Prudence Clearwater26-Jun-24 17:58
Prudence Clearwater26-Jun-24 17:58 
GeneralRe: how should I plan my learning trajectory? Pin
Richard MacCutchan26-Jun-24 22:32
mveRichard MacCutchan26-Jun-24 22:32 
GeneralRe: how should I plan my learning trajectory? Pin
Ruby Harris15-Jul-24 20:07
Ruby Harris15-Jul-24 20:07 
QuestionBest way to send files to a central location Pin
gthp_cp7-Jun-24 2:15
gthp_cp7-Jun-24 2:15 
QuestionIs a separate view model relevant for Blazor server side given that we can test the whole component with bUnit? Pin
Mr Yossu25-Feb-24 5:38
Mr Yossu25-Feb-24 5:38 
AnswerRe: Is a separate view model relevant for Blazor server side given that we can test the whole component with bUnit? Pin
Gerry Schmitz25-Feb-24 10:06
mveGerry Schmitz25-Feb-24 10:06 
GeneralRe: Is a separate view model relevant for Blazor server side given that we can test the whole component with bUnit? Pin
Mr Yossu26-Feb-24 3:37
Mr Yossu26-Feb-24 3:37 
GeneralRe: Is a separate view model relevant for Blazor server side given that we can test the whole component with bUnit? Pin
Gerry Schmitz26-Feb-24 4:43
mveGerry Schmitz26-Feb-24 4:43 
GeneralRe: Is a separate view model relevant for Blazor server side given that we can test the whole component with bUnit? Pin
Mr Yossu26-Feb-24 4:49
Mr Yossu26-Feb-24 4:49 
AnswerRe: Is a separate view model relevant for Blazor server side given that we can test the whole component with bUnit? Pin
jschell26-Feb-24 12:32
jschell26-Feb-24 12:32 
AnswerRe: Oh my goodness! Pin
Dave Kreskowiak24-Feb-24 4:38
mveDave Kreskowiak24-Feb-24 4:38 
GeneralRe: Oh my goodness! Pin
Gerry Schmitz24-Feb-24 4:42
mveGerry Schmitz24-Feb-24 4:42 
GeneralRe: Oh my goodness! Pin
Dave Kreskowiak24-Feb-24 5:53
mveDave Kreskowiak24-Feb-24 5:53 
QuestionC# How to populate datagridview from a separate combobox selection Pin
mourad barsoum22-Feb-24 12:57
mourad barsoum22-Feb-24 12:57 
I am familiar with Excel VBA but new to C# and Visual Basicvisula Studio. I have an Excel file (.xlsm) with several sheets. Using ExcelDataReader, I managed to build a solution to show all sheet names in a combobox control.

I need help in how can I import the selected sheet content in combobox (cboSheet) to the datagridview1
using ExcelDataReader;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Data.SqlClient;
    namespace ReadandImportsheet1
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        private readonly object con;

        public object Break { get; private set; }

        public Form1()

        public Form1(object con)
            this.con = con;

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            OpenFileDialog fil = new OpenFileDialog();
            string path = fil.FileName.ToString();
        public void ExcelFileReader(string path)
            var stream = File.Open(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
            var reader = ExcelReaderFactory.CreateReader(stream);
            var result = reader.AsDataSet();
            var tables = result.Tables;
            foreach (DataTable table in tables)
            //var shname = cboSheet.SelectedValue;
            //string table_name = cboSheet.Text;

        private void cboSheet_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string table_name = cboSheet.Text;
            SqlConnection Con = new SqlConnection("Provider = Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source = path; Extended Properties = "Excel 8.0; HDR = YES";");
            SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("select * from " + table_name + " ", con);
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            dataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];

I am using Win 11 and Visual Studio 2019 with ExcelDataReader and Exceldatareader.Dataset

Any help in coding will be extremely appreciated as I am new to C# coding and can not get sheet contents into the datagridview control.

modified 23-Feb-24 1:23am.

AnswerRe: C# How to populate datagridview from a separate combobox selection Pin
Gerry Schmitz23-Feb-24 7:40
mveGerry Schmitz23-Feb-24 7:40 
AnswerRe: C# How to populate datagridview from a separate combobox selection Pin
Vrend Top11-Apr-24 1:13
Vrend Top11-Apr-24 1:13 
GeneralRe: C# How to populate datagridview from a separate combobox selection Pin
RedDk11-Apr-24 8:11
RedDk11-Apr-24 8:11 

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