ChatGPT API is available. Why not use it right now?
OpenAI released its REST API in March 2023. I am ready to use it for text, image generation and more in my video editor!
Generate Text
CHATGPT_API c("your_api_key");
c.SetModel("code-davinci-002"); auto off = c.Text("What is your name?");
auto& r = off.value();
std::cout << r.t << std::endl;
It returns a std::optional<CHATGPT_RESULT>
that contains the response from the model.
There's a temperature
parameter available to decide the randomness of the response (the lowest - the less random). You can also set a code
model (which is currently free) to test code generation.
Generate Images
CHATGPT_API c("your_api_key");
auto off = c.Image("Red cat");
auto& r = off.value();
std::cout << r.t << std::endl;
It returns a std::optional<CHATGPT_RESULT>
that contains the raw data of a PNG image of a red cat.
The library depends on my REST API (included in the repository) and communicates via JSON with the ChatGPT
endpoint. For example, member Text()
is implemented like that:
std::optional<CHATGPT_RESULT> Text(const char* prompt,
int Temperature = 0, int max_tokens = 10)
std::vector<char> data(10000);
sprintf_s(, 10000, R"({
"model": "%s",
"prompt" : "%s",
"temperature" : %i,
"max_tokens" : %i,
"top_p" : 1,
"frequency_penalty" : 0.2,
"presence_penalty" : 0
})", model.c_str(), prompt, Temperature, max_tokens);
r.Connect(L"", true, 0, 0, 0, 0);
std::initializer_list<std::wstring> hdrs = {
L"Content-Type: application/json",
auto hi = r.RequestWithBuffer(L"/v1/completions",
L"POST", hdrs,, data.size());
std::vector<char> out;
r.ReadToMemory(hi, out);
out.resize(out.size() + 1);
jsonxx::Object o;
r.o = o;
auto& choices = o.get<jsonxx::Array>("choices");
auto& choice0 = choices.get<jsonxx::Object>(0);
r.t = choice0.get<jsonxx::String>("text");
return r;
catch (...)
return {};
Points of Interest
Right now, I'm too busy implementing those awesome functions in my Turbo Play, so I will be constantly implementing new stuff!
- 2nd March, 2023 - First release
I'm working in C++, PHP , Java, Windows, iOS, Android and Web (HTML/Javascript/CSS).
I 've a PhD in Digital Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence and I specialize in Pro Audio and AI applications.
My home page: