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Great Reads

by honey the codewitch
GFX is a fast and full featured replacement for standard IoT drawing libraries that is optimized to reduce bus I/O
by Miguel Diaz Kusztrich
Be notified in your mobile phone of intruders in your home, and take photos of them
by DaveAuld
Building for and consuming the Blitzortung Lightning Detection Network
by raddevus
Chapter 4 - Resistors and Resistance

Latest Articles

by honey the codewitch
Make a little widget that tracks your speed using GPS and strap it to your bike.
by honey the codewitch
Using my IoT ecosystem to produce an Internet enabled clock
by honey the codewitch
Get location information based on your IP address using an ESP32 and
by honey the codewitch
Explore my user interface library with an example of an Internet enabled clock

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